Work in progress with my broken wrist, July 2023
I broke the wrist on my left hand 7 weeks ago. Needless to say, my ability to create had become a bit limited. I thought my creative world would come to a complete standstill, well almost (thank goodness I am right-handed). But, somehow I forged ahead, pain and all, and found ways to create my hand painted and stitched fabric collage. I was COMMITTED to the creative process.
All was well, but not really… My COMMITMENT to my art making was intact, but my business practice was still suffering. Was it fear? Lack of self-confidence? Afraid no one would accept my artwork? It was time to build my website, Sheryl Levine Art and write a blog and create a newsletter. WHEW, seemed quite overwhelming! The difference was this time I was going to COMMIT. My wrist was broken, I had the time.
I watched videos on marketing, creating newsletters and blogs. I revisited Alyson B. Stanfield’s book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion. “I’d Rather Be in the Studio” has been my mantra for most of my creative life. I have made numerous half-hearted attempts (and therefore not very successful) to market myself. Picking up her book again after 10 years has given me the courage to dive right in, but this time by COMMITTING…
So, here is my first blog, and my website is up and running. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment.
Visit my website.
I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion
by Alyson B. Stanton
I highly recommend this book. It helped me face my fears of marketing my creative practice, and go for it!